Langate residents protest, demand quashing of FIR against MC Chairman - JK REVOLUTION
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Langate residents protest, demand quashing of FIR against MC Chairman

Say case against Adv Shahnawaz part of a ‘political conspiracy’

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Waris Fayaz

Handwara, Nov 11 : Scores of residents in the Langate area of Handwara in north Kashmir’s Kupwara district on Friday held a protest demanding the immediate quashing of FIR against Municipal Committee Chairman Langate, Adv Shahnawaz Abdullah.

An eyewitness told the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that the local residents assembled at a middle school here and demanded that authorities quash the FIR against Adv Shahnawaz at the earliest. They also held placards reading ‘Revoke FIR against Adv Shahnawaz Abdullah’.

The protesters said since Shanawaz became the Municipal Committee Chairman, the town witnessed a “big change” which, according to them, “didn’t go down well with some people who are leveling false allegations against him”.

“The development of the town is visible. What others failed to do in the last five years, this young man did it in such a short span of time, which is a great achievement,” Abdul Ahmad Mir, one of the protesters, said.

Mir said that recently the MC Chairman at the request of locals and school authorities excavated soil to provide major relief to students. “Some residents in this area have started leveling false allegations against the chairman,” he said.

The protesters claimed that the recent action by the MC Chairman “saved hundreds of students at the Middle School Langate which was posing a threat to them”. “The removal of soil from this location was requested by the residents of the area to provide relief to hundreds of students enrolled in this school,” another protestor said.

They urged the authorities to revoke the FIR against Adv Shahnazwaz, terming it “a political conspiracy against the young Chairman”.

Police on Wednesday filed a case against Municipal Committee Chairman Langate for “illegally excavating soil from the premises of a government school”.—(KNO)

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