District Road Safety Committee meet held at Anantnag - JK REVOLUTION
Saturday, July 27, 2024

District Road Safety Committee meet held at Anantnag

DC directs officers to put every effort to follow, implement Road Safety Measures

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In order to formulate ‘Action Plan for Road Safety measures in Anantnag to reduce the incidence of road mishaps, the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Anantnag, Dr. Piyush Singla today chaired a meeting of District Road Safety Committee(DRSC) here under the theme “Sadak Durakhsha Jeevan Raksha”.

The participants in the meeting held threadbare deliberations on various issues with regard to management of Traffic including identification of black spots, improvement of lighting on vital roads, Traffic Management System, availability of Crash Rescue Vehicles and Critical Care Ambulances.

The DC stressed upon all the officers to be proactive in formulating a comprehensive Road Safety Action Plan on priority basis.

While briefing the chair the ARTO said that India lost 1.3 Million people in the last decade with 5.3 million persons left disabled due to road accidents. India Having only 1% of the world’s vehicles accounts for 10% of global road crashes and to minimise the accidental death rate IRTE has devised the 4-E policy of education, enforcement, engineering and emergency. 21 persons were killed and 340 injured in Anantnag in 2021 added the ARTO.

Speaking on the occasion the DC stressed on the concerned officers to take all required measures like driving behavioural changes among drivers , awareness camps in colleges, schools , appreciation incentives for good drivers and social discouragement for bad drivers.

He directed the PWD to improve road markings and signage to eliminate high risk stretches, black spots, improvement of junctions on all cross-roads, and improve road lighting near habitations.

Further, the DC instructed to remove road side objects that hinder smooth traffic movement. He also directed to keep the provision of parking areas in crowded places and relocation of the roadside vendors to improve traffic movements and facilitate movement of pedestrians.

The DC directed the Traffic authorities to expedite the process of purchasing Crash rescue vehicles, besides submit a detailed requirement regarding barricades and signages.

Pointing to a few critical points prone to accidents like Sether, Donipowa, Thujwara etc. DC directed the concerned officers to conduct the audit of the accidents to find out the cause of accidents.

It is pertinent to mention here that SSP Anantnag put forth several suggessions and remedies for solving the issue of traffic jams, accidents etc.

The meeting was attended by SSP Anantnag, CEO,CMO ARTO, traffic police and other concerned officers.

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